
affected animals Learn more about affected animals

  • Improper method or heredity? Reasons for the failure of animal immunity

    Improper method or heredity? Reasons for the failure of animal immunity

    Improper method or heredity? Reasons for the failure of animal immunity

  • Factors affecting the efficacy of fishery drugs

    Factors affecting the efficacy of fishery drugs

    The main results are as follows: 1. the dosage and the effect of the dosage form of the drug vary with the dose, and even change qualitatively, for example, when the gold convergent drug zinc sulfate is used locally, the low concentration has the effect of convergence and the medium concentration has the stimulating effect. However, it has corrosive effect at high concentration. If the dosage form of the drug is different, even in the case of the same drug dose, the intensity, effect and time of action are also different. 2. the mode of administration, the way of administration, the time of administration, the times of administration and repeated use of drugs.

  • Comprehensive control of acariasis in foxes and mite

    Comprehensive control of acariasis in foxes and mite

    Acariasis is a chronic parasitic skin disease caused by mites belonging to the family scabies and acaridae parasitic on the body surface or under the epidermis of fur animals. For contact infection, if the feeding management is improper and the treatment is not timely, it will directly affect the animal health and fur quality, and cause serious losses to the farm. In recent years, with the increase of the number and density of foxes and raccoons, the incidence of acariasis in foxes and raccoons is also increasing, and even foxes and raccoons in some farms often die of acariasis. 1 pathogenic mite

  • Feeding tube of raccoon dog

    Feeding tube of raccoon dog

    1. Animal and plant feed is properly matched with raccoon dog omnivores, and the characteristics and functions of the digestive system are between carnivores and herbivores. They are not only suitable for feeding and digesting animal feed, but also suitable for eating and digesting plant feed. Therefore, in the feed ratio, animal and plant feed should be used reasonably. Because the price of animal feed is high, the proportion of animal feed should be reduced as much as possible within the allowable limit, generally no more than 45%. 2. Feed raccoon dogs regularly and quantitatively every day at a relatively fixed number of times and quantity, so as to make them develop well.

  • Don't abuse antibiotics in aquaculture

    Don't abuse antibiotics in aquaculture

    Don't abuse antibiotics in aquaculture

  • Prevention and treatment of pruritus, hair loss and depilation of fox skin

    Prevention and treatment of pruritus, hair loss and depilation of fox skin

    In various animal farms, fur animals can often be found scratching with their claws, gnawing with their mouths or rubbing their own quilts and skin with the help of cage nets and corners, resulting in local hair loss, depilation, skin inflammation, and even ulcers, and some die. Most of these diseased animals are hindered by their growth and development, which seriously affects the quality of fur and brings great economic losses to production. 1 etiological analysis: according to the investigation and analysis, there are four reasons. ① suffers from in vitro parasites such as scale mites, demodex or hair lice. ② is caused by

  • How to reduce the diseases of cultured grouper

    How to reduce the diseases of cultured grouper

    With the breakthrough of artificial reproduction and culture technology of grouper, the scale of grouper culture continues to expand, especially the industrial circulating water culture model has become an important support for the development of grouper culture industry in northern China in recent years. however, large-scale outbreaks of grouper diseases are also important.

    2020-11-08 How to reduce culture grouper disease along with
  • Distension of stomach and intestine in fox

    Distension of stomach and intestine in fox

    The main results are as follows: (1) the clinical symptoms of the disease mostly occur in summer, especially in the period of separation from the breast. The belly circumference of the affected animal is enlarged, the drum sound is tapped, the pressure is elastic, the touch has a large amount of gas, and the hand pressure shows dyspnea; the affected animal has a straight neck and lies in a small room or cage. If the treatment is not timely, more because of heart weakness, asphyxia and death. (2) first of all, the causes of distension must be eliminated and the process of gas production by fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract must be reduced. Oral 5% lactic acid solution (or edible vinegar) 3: 5

  • What are the animals that have no natural enemies in the food chain?

    What are the animals that have no natural enemies in the food chain?

    In farmland, there are many food chains, such as locusts eat rice, frogs eat locusts, snakes eat frogs, eagles eat snakes is a food chain, once one of the food chain is missing, the food chain will change, so almost every kind of food chain has natural enemies, but there are

    2020-11-11 The food chain no natural enemies of animals have which in farmers
  • Experience in reducing diseases in grouper culture

    Experience in reducing diseases in grouper culture

    If the healthy living environment of animals is not guaranteed, high-density feeding, limited activities, and the environment becomes extremely bad, it will lead to the decline of animal body resistance and create conditions for the epidemic and spread of the disease. With the artificial propagation and culture technology of grouper, Epinephelus coioides

    2020-11-08 Reduce grouper culture disease experience if animal
  • Animals are deprived of not only their habitat but also their time.

    Animals are deprived of not only their habitat but also their time.

    When you squint and go to the bathroom in the dark in the middle of the night, and then stumble all the way back, your cat owner will stare at you with his glowing eyes: "Oh, blind man". Although human night vision is not as good as that of cats, we are.

  • The problem of adding eggs in Fur Animal Feed

    The problem of adding eggs in Fur Animal Feed

    (1) time and quantity of eggs: eggs should be supplied in two periods in the production of fur animals, while in other periods, they can not be given. The first period: eggs should be added step by step from 2 weeks before mating. In the 10 days before mating, the supply of male minks can be halved by adding one egg for every 4 to 6 male foxes, and the supply of female minks will be halved after 10 female foxes add one egg. And then gradually increase. During the period of mating, the male fox

  • Animal husbandry development faces seven major challenges

    Animal husbandry development faces seven major challenges

    At the 6th Council of the 3rd China Animal Husbandry Association held recently, Wang Zongli, Deputy Director of Animal Husbandry Department of Ministry of Agriculture, made a report on the review and prospect of China's animal husbandry development in 2014. Wang Zongli pointed out that China's animal husbandry is currently in a critical period of transformation and upgrading.

    2016-03-20 animal husbandry is facing great challenges in its development.
  • Which livestock diseases can leek treat? Is it effective for female animals to feed leeks without estrus?

    Which livestock diseases can leek treat? Is it effective for female animals to feed leeks without estrus?

    Chives have warm taste, such as dispersing stasis, invigorating stomach and intestines, expelling phlegm, detoxification, tonifying liver and kidney, warming waist and knees, strengthening yang and solidifying essence and other medical functions. Leek is used in medicine to treat a variety of livestock diseases and has a good effect. So what livestock diseases can leek treat? The female animal does not send.

    2020-11-11 Leek can treatment which livestock disease female no estrus
  • Prevention and treatment of fascioliasis in cattle and sheep

    Prevention and treatment of fascioliasis in cattle and sheep

    Fasciola hepatica of cattle and sheep is a serious parasitic disease caused by Fasciola hepatica parasitic in the liver and bile duct of cattle and sheep. The disease can cause acute and chronic hepatitis and cholangitis in cattle and sheep, accompanied by systemic poisoning and nutritional disorders, which reduces the production performance of cattle and sheep, causes a large number of deaths of young animals, and brings huge economic losses to animal husbandry production. The development of Fasciola hepatica needs an intermediate host, freshwater snail, so the disease is prevalent regionally, especially in rainy season and flood areas. 1. Main symptoms

  • Beware of fox raccoon lice mite disease in autumn and winter

    Beware of fox raccoon lice mite disease in autumn and winter

    In the current season, the breeding of fur animals is entering the fur growth period. in addition to meeting all kinds of nutrients needed for fur growth, special attention should be paid to the occurrence of parasitic diseases in vitro. There are 100000 raccoon dogs in Zhaoyuan Farm, which has rich experience in the prevention and treatment of lice acariasis. Now the points for attention are introduced as follows: pay attention to observe that skin diseases such as lice acariasis do great harm to fur animal breeding. Should cause the broad masses of farm farmers to pay enough attention, especially in the current winter hair growing season, inspection and prevention of acariasis is a work that can not be ignored before peeling.

  • Beware of fox raccoon lice mite disease in autumn and winter

    Beware of fox raccoon lice mite disease in autumn and winter

    In the current season, the breeding of fur animals is entering the fur growth period. in addition to meeting all kinds of nutrients needed for fur growth, special attention should be paid to the occurrence of parasitic diseases in vitro. There are 100000 raccoon dogs in Zhaoyuan Farm, which has rich experience in the prevention and treatment of lice acariasis. Now the points for attention are introduced as follows: pay attention to observe that skin diseases such as lice acariasis do great harm to fur animal breeding. Should cause the broad masses of farm farmers to pay enough attention, especially in the current winter hair growing season, inspection and prevention of acariasis is a work that can not be ignored before peeling.

  • A brief discussion on the measures of Animal epidemic Prevention in Grass-roots Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

    A brief discussion on the measures of Animal epidemic Prevention in Grass-roots Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

    A brief discussion on the measures of Animal epidemic Prevention in Grass-roots Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine

  • Factors affecting the success or failure of special culture

    Factors affecting the success or failure of special culture

    Factors affecting the success or failure of special culture

  • Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Fox Raccoon Dog

    Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Fox Raccoon Dog

    7--9 In January, foxes enter the recovery period and cubs enter the breeding period. The common diseases in this period mainly include the following. (1) Heat stroke (sunstroke and heat stroke) occurs in the summer season, when the temperature is too high and the ventilation is poor, the animal is directly exposed to sunlight to cause brain overheating (sunstroke) or the stimulation of whole body heating (heat stroke). The disease usually occurs rapidly and the mortality rate is very high. Fox raccoon extremely underdeveloped sweat glands, slow body temperature distribution, easy to cause body temperature rise, depression, step
